Friday, November 14, 2008

Rough days

Rough days
Originally uploaded by bayat
Well yesterday was mom's birthday! Every year since her death I would blog a little birthday wish for her and just get a little peace here on my blog. But yesterday I could not do that... why, you may ask?!
So I get a phone call that my dad tried to kill himself. Seriously. He is still in ICU. My main issue with this, is how can a grown man be so selfish. My little brother is still missing his mom and it was her birthday... and bless his heart he has to wake up to blood and his dad who tried to kill himself. Wow, right!

Well God doesn't give you anything that you can't handle! My dad has some issues and thank goodness he is going to rehab, if only my mom could have pulled through her coma. Enough with the drama!

Tonight was the first UT basketball game! Bball is my favorite sport and yes, we won! Hook em

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