Sunday, November 25, 2007

Turkey Day

hello november
Originally uploaded by thea superstarr
It has been a while since I have blogged. Life is so busy with teaching, working out, and planning a wedding. I had a great Thanksgiving, I can't beieve it already came and gone.
Time is flying by, my birthday is on Thursday. I am going to be 24! I was talking with an old friend, we were talking about how when I was in college I NEVER thought I would turn 21. I was the baby out of all my friends and I just wanted to be 21. I love getting older. Every birthday is a celebration of the past and my future. Every birthday should be a victory, because I survived. Life is hard and it is only making me stronger.
So cheers to a wonderful year that has come and gone!

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Doesn't get any easier

7 years ago today my mom died. Every day that goes by I think of her. It feels like it has been forever since I got to hold her hand, but then again it feels like it just happened yesterday. The saddness doesn't ever go away, I can get through the days with no problem... but the thought of her is always with me.
I miss her smile, her laugh, her hands, her hugs, her smile, even her picking, nagging, and selfishness.

Today wasn't a bad day, it was actually a great day!!! My besties and I spent the day together! I love them so much, I couldn't ask for a better day. In the back of my mind has been how much I miss her and how I would do anything to have her back.

Cheers to seven years of pain and growing.